Customer Testimonials

Even though we are a very small company, everyone at Bloomingburg Spring & Wire Form took our business seriously. They offered us their full complement of expertise and services from helping us to choose the correct wire to completion of the finished piece; and, they allowed us access to the factory so that we could work right alongside them to perfect our wire form. We are pleased to have such a great relationship.

Diane Lees & Brian Jenks

HubBub Custom Bicycles

Our experience during our thirty years association with Bloomingburg Springs has been very positive. Their attention to detail and concern for quality is unmatched in the industry. The company offers a top-notch product with competitive rates. Across the board, we are always pleased with their work. They have and will continue to be a major vendor for Spadone Machine, Inc.

Roberta Laney

Spadone Machine, Inc

Over the past decade Bloomingburg Spring has supplied US Fireplace Products with top quality products at a very competitive price point. The people are wonderful and service that I have experienced when dealing with them has ALWAYS been first class. I would recommend Bloomingburg Spring to anyone who would need their services.

Chris Dattilo

US Fireplace Products

It has been my experience in dealing with Bloomingburg Spring for the past 16 years that they will do what it takes to provide the service and quality in a timely manner. I work with our R&D department to find suppliers that will assist in the development of a product. Bloomingburg has opened their complete operations to us, allowing our engineers to take our product direct on the floor and dial in the right amount of force required to make it work. At the same time, they provide all the mechanical data to support the design intent. They are all great to work with and will do everything they can to make impossible – possible.

Jon D Keck, Sr., C.P.M

Ferno Washington, Inc

Industries We Serve

Military/Defense • Medical • Agriculture • Food • Construction • Aerospace/Aircraft • Conveyors • Automotive • Coating • Waterworks


Let us help you get started today!

83 Main Street • PO Box 158   Bloomingburg, OH 43106

Call: 740-437-7614

© 2022 Bloomingburg Spring & Wire Form • Site: D2P Web Design